Unfortunately, most people underestimate the eyelids. Eyelids protect our eyes and allow us to sleep. Eyelids are the thinnest skin on the body. A muscle is attached to the eyelid that allows it to open and close voluntarily (like sleeping) or involuntarily (like blinking).
The main role of the eyelids is to protect the eyes. It is necessary to keep the surface of the eye constantly moist, and the eyelid is responsible for spreading the thin layer of tears evenly on the surface of the eye. During sleep, the eyelids do not stop working and prevent the cornea from drying out. Eyebrows help to act as eyelids and protect the eyes from dust and sweat.
Eyelids have a complex structure and are composed of layers of skin, muscles, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels and fat.
Eyelid problems range from benign processes to malignant tumors. Fortunately, most eyelid disorders are not seriously vision-threatening, but many cause irritating symptoms such as burning, foreign body sensation, or pain. One of the most common eyelid problems is blepharitis or inflammation.
Common eyelid disorders
• Dermatochalasis: Abnormal and excessive drooping of eyelid skin or fat
• Ectropion: Deviation of the eyelid to the outside
• Entropion: inward deviation of the eyelid
• Facial palsy (Bell’s palsy): inability to close the upper eyelid or loss of lower eyelid muscle pressure
Prevention of eyelid disorders
• Continuous and regular washing of the eyelids with warm water and baby shampoo is effective in preventing infection and inflammation of the eyelid.
• Avoid touching or rubbing eyes with hands
• Washing hands regularly

Sometimes blepharitis is accompanied by dandruff caused by bacteria. It is necessary to consult a doctor to use medicated shampoos to control bacteria.
Besides having a negative effect on beauty, eyelid abnormalities can also have a negative effect on a person’s vision. Although some abnormalities and disorders of the eyelid are resolved over time or with the disappearance of the infection, but if you do not go to the doctor and neglect the treatment, it is possible to cause serious chronic disorders such as dry eyes, astigmatism and even vision loss. become
Considering the inevitable interaction of the eyelid with the health of vision, it is necessary to be extremely careful and obsessive in choosing a surgeon.
In most sources, the appropriate age for performing blepharoplasty is stated after 35 years old. In cases where a person has congenital drooping eyelids, and especially in cases where, in addition to the beauty aspect of the face, it has a negative effect on vision, it is safe to perform blepharoplasty at a younger age.
Don’t forget to stop smoking and anti-coagulant pills a few days before the surgery.
In some cases, in order to optimize the results of upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty, plastic surgeons also recommend and consider tests and examinations such as field of vision, vision measurement and the amount of tear secretion to prevent dry eyes.
Appearance signs of a suitable candidate for blepharoplasty
If you have one or more of the following, eyelid surgery can be a good option for you:
• The upper eyelids were wide or drooping
• The presence of extra skin in the upper eyelids in a way that causes vision impairment
• Excessive skin in the lower eyelids
• Excessive puffiness of the lower eyelid

Eyes are one of the elements that determine the beauty of the face, and the presence of any abnormalities and complications in the eyelids has a negative effect on the beauty of the eyes. Blepharoplasty can play a positive and vital role in creating the harmony of facial parts and reducing the effects of aging on a person’s face. Eyelid surgery can treat symptoms such as tired eyes, excess skin, drooping eyelids, and dark circles around the eyes. Blepharoplasty can be performed at the same time as other skin and face rejuvenation procedures such as eyebrow lift.
Dr. Gholamhossein Ghorabi, a subspecialist in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, using modern surgical techniques and having sufficient experience in performing eyelid surgery, and fully respecting the priority of preserving the patient’s health over beauty, is an expert and trustworthy consultant for respected clients.